
Cleaned out

Today was packing up the desk day: preparation for tomorrow's work unit move. For me, a move from ten years' in walking distance from home, to a suburban industrial park and commuting by limited bus service.

It's the consequence of a new department chair's setting his eye on my bosses' office space: those guys have to be cleared out, for the space to be renovated so the new guy can move in his chosen. It's the usual effect of the new broom, and he—always "he"—is handed lots of money to blow on such things.

It happened with the arrival of the previous Great Man, but his decorating schemes affected me minimally. And when Dr. G. Zuss departed, his former administrative assistant was kicked upstairs to a new position, thus clearing her out of the Chairman's office and away from sight. As of tomorrow, I will be working in the general locale to which she was exiled.

Real estate grabs are the theme of my 2015. I made it as far as January 12, when there was a surprise notice that the building I live in had been sold that day. The office move had loomed over me since December, but that was knocked from the forefront of my overloaded brain by the stealth of the apartment sale. The building was bought by the worst kind of student property management company, and the fifty percent rent increase for the same nothing, is almost the least of it. Suffice it to say, I would never knowingly rent from this kind of outfit. With the challenge finding bearable housing in this little college town, and with my new longer weekdays... so much for any free time this year.

It's a good thing I won't have to bother much about keeping up with other things, as news will pretty much be of two types: 2016 horse race, or, "ISIS is coming!"

Time does march on; a find from the desk cleaning—

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