
11-9; 9-11

If his voters deserve to get it (good and hard), the rest of us do not. Nor does the rest of the world.

Mencken, of course, believed that immigrant masses in cities would make the worst political choices. Yet the most under-populated and backward parts of the country are the ones favored by our antique and intentionally undemocratic system. The Electoral College supposedly existing to prevent an incompetent demagogue from being placed in the presidency, and all that...

Roy Edroso, on the voters who really mattered—
I'm still seeing some people talking about this election as if Trump voters were a bunch of poor oppressed hillbillies desperate to be freed from the meth and misery to which Tyrant Obama had condemned them. But as has been shown, Trump voters aren't poor -- though they obviously do feel as if they've been deprived of something, and that voting for Trump would give it to them....
Sure, Trump stirred up the Nazis, but look on the bright side, he made the liberal elites sad! I think this was a big part of the winning formula. I doubt Trump voters seriously believe their man will make international trade more advantageous to the U.S., or settle race relations, or bring global peace. But they don't like the people who are actually working on these things; they are delivering unsatisfactory results and, in the Trumpkin mind, that isn't because these things are difficult and complicated, but because they spend too much time thinking about their friends the blacks, the women, the foreigners, and the gays. Never mind your so-called rights, widget sales are fluctuating, now how'm I going to afford that second home? It's gotta be the fault of liberal elites!

You don't have to be a yokel to think like that -- hell, you don't even have to be a Republican. You just have to be a certain kind of American who's always wondering where's his.
In the end, a vote for "Spite."

First time voters seem to have crawled out of the woodwork, when I had wanted to believe they wouldn't manage to register or show up. Certainly, it was not a good sign when PBS decided to run its new voter human interest story featuring this woman—and her white power-heil Hitler tattoos...

Thus did the media blandly present this horror as checking in with Heartland Real America. Month after month after month of a media Trump-Trump-Trump drumbeat, drowning out anything real... It all ends in this feeling of having entered a Twilight Zone episode. The shock now is to know this will be immeasurably longer than a half hour, and an episode which can not be turned off.

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