
Stealth Deconstruction

Not at all surprising, but disturbing to see in detail: "Meet the Hundreds of Officials Trump Has Quietly Installed Across the Government"...

"Beachead teams"—for when you need to storm the defenses of a functioning government.
While President Trump has not moved to fill many jobs that require Senate confirmation, he has quietly installed hundreds of officials to serve as his eyes and ears at every major federal agency, from the Pentagon to the Department of Interior.

Unlike appointees exposed to the scrutiny of the Senate, members of these so-called “beachhead teams” have operated largely in the shadows, with the White House declining to publicly reveal their identities.
The list we obtained includes obscure campaign staffers, contributors to Breitbart and others who have embraced conspiracy theories, as well as dozens of Washington insiders who could be reasonably characterized as part of the "swamp" Trump pledged to drain.

The list is striking for how many former lobbyists it contains: We found at least 36, spanning industries from health insurance and pharmaceuticals to construction, energy and finance. Many of them lobbied in the same areas that are regulated by the agencies they have now joined.
ProPublica's writers have organized the names into some major categories:
The Breitbart wing
Swamp denizens, including health care lobbyists hired by HHS Secretary Tom Price
Trump campaign vets — including very young ones
Quite the tell about their qualifications, when all are vaguely "Special Advisor" to this and "Special Assistant" to that; details in this rogue's gallery.

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