
Another Lone Wolf

After this latest horror, Steve M. brings up a previous silencing of public attention to the rise of right-wing terrorism.

Amazing, the population explosion of lone wolves.


Poor Little Rich Man

For someone who can afford to buy himself an entire political system, he certainly is thin-skinned.

Edroso: "Shorter Charles G. Koch: What's good for Koch Industries is good for the USA."

Among alicublog comments—
Well, allow me to retort....

What's that? The Wall Street Journal asslickers aren't offering me all the column real estate I wish to develop my side of the argument? Huh, I guess it's my own fault for not inheriting $250 million from the fortune my daddy made doing business with Stalin.
Now, to be fair, his daddy renounced the Soviet Union and, furthermore, co-founded the John Birch Society. So it's a family that understands both collectivism and character assassination.