
If Only She Could Be Cloned

It's hard for women in politics—or, in pretty much anything public—to avoid being seen as shrill (or, whatever). Given that atmosphere, Elizabeth Warren never fails to impress with her calmness and talent for explaining things to an average person, without talking down. If her abilities are not entirely rare, they seldom make an appearance in our public life.

There were her questions at this July hearing.

Add this example of Sen. Warren's ability to bring up taboo and get to truths.

The influx of trolls to Pierce's comment thread is testimony to the fear her effectiveness inspires in the wingers.



Someday, I may be a little less buried under it all. Until then, it's dig out just enough to get dressed and to the office weekdays.

Not that it seems I'm missing much elsewhere; as Driftglass has noticed, what can be ordered on the media menu is Trump, Trump, Trump, or Trump.