
Good-Bye Is Not Good Enough

When it comes after decades of his particular brand of toxic spew. Not only did it play so large a role in poisoning political discourse, it also inspired a quite literal body count. Now that he's out of prime time, the mockery is as deserved as could be.

Video: "Bill O'Reilly Tells Black Professor That He Looks Like A Drug Dealer"
So apt (gross as it necessarily is)...
Tom Tomorrow has a thread here, about his O'Reilly cartoons. After the first was published in 2000, he happened to meet the man...
I hadn't realized it before, but size must be yet one more thing he's used to intimidate.



Please, Please, Please


Worth A Thousand Words

It speaks, this image of bored, uncomfortable children forced to be there. The picture says, too, that these undoubtedly are children of White House staff. And volumes are spoken by how strikingly white they are.  

Most telling of all: the starkness of contrast between this and all pictures taken on such occasions in the previous eight years. But during those eight years, kids weren't used as props, and they were thrilled to be with the adults in the picture.

This time, the adult in the picture couldn't appear less simpatico with children. But her sole reason for being here (and in her job) is her being a fundamentalist billionaire, eager to siphon public money into family profit and theocratic control of schools.

So much going on in the image itself, it took a minute for me to see the story told by the caption.

The End


Today In Historical Press Agentry

On the other hand...


Graphic Reminders

Admirable thread here, on Coretta Scott King as leader in her own right.
"We must never forget that Mrs. King led a silent march for striking sanitation workers in Memphis, 3 days after her husband was killed.

...In 1985, Mrs. King/her daughter @BerniceKing were arrested for protesting apartheid..."
And she warned Congress against confirming a Southern segregationist to a federal position he would abuse, in pursuit of an agenda hostile to civil rights.

Ancient History, Never Happened, Yada Yada


Pass The Cornpone

Nunes "temporarily" out as House Intel Committee chairman, blames those omnipotent "leftwing activist groups" for filing ethics "accusations."
To be replaced by... impartial guy wearing hat...
Well, let him explain in his own words—.

With extra helping of Benghazi.


Family Matters

Because, there is one family that matters...

WhiteHouse Washing


Friend Of A Friend

Good Questions

Sarah Kendzior, retweets her finds from last August. That Trump in 2014 was planning to leverage his Russian connections is clear. Also clear: his eagerness to get his hands on the US economy, and personally light the match to a purifying flame.

This Day In History


Brotherhood Of Brutes