

Tengrain, on the 25th
...ABC reports that Hair Führer Donald Trump is probably going to end the DACA program next week. 800,000 people who came to the U.S. illegally as children could be deported. So more fodder for his base. The optics of deporting 800,000 people will be shocking, by the way. I cannot see how he can do it without boxcars and camps to process them
Ethnic cleansing, to be bolstered by even harsher occupation forces, arrayed against a certain set of citizens...


Is Our Medias Learning?

Our NYT? Sadly, never...

Twitler Twittles While City Drowns

Along with an evident pre-pardon of Clarke and the usual inappropriate electioneering, Trump continued hurling insults at Mexico.

It being up to the rest of the world to act like adults, the foreign ministry once more defended its sovereignty, while offering to send aid to Texas...
... Just as Mexico had sent aid after Katrina.


Today In White Supremacy


If TV Caused It, TV Could Fix It