
Today In Pruitt Job Security


The Godly Party


Short-sighted Meet Weak-minded

The leading questions are part of an instinct to gin up drama. And, in response to the Trump creature, they undertake this effort to shape his babbling into a narrative that fits how a president is believed to behave.

The questions serve as lifelines; the worst offenders toss them to Trump, as he flails in his special blend of grandiosity and incoherence. And they are not well-intended lifelines, but assists intended to make him talk tough. Like their subject, these journos betray a public trust.


Good Old Party Values

The Longest Month Is Called "Monday"

But we can hope it feels even longer to all those not as yet indicted.

Department Of...


Trade War For Thee

Doing The Old Overlord Shuffle

Employee Of The Month?

April is young, and there always will be heavy competition. Yet he already seems like a strong contender.

No Knowledge, No Problems

Latest Domino


Back To The Old Pivot

In other words, in the eyes of pundits, ready to again be presidential.

All In A Day's Presidenting

No time for condolences to the family of the Trump Tower victim, when the vital business of the country is waiting to be done.

He Could Kill Someone on Fifth Avenue


That Old Dark Money Magic That They Weave So Well

EXCLUSIVE: Robert Mercer backed a secretive group that worked with Facebook, Google to target anti-Muslim ads at swing voters

In weeks close to the election, writes Robert Maguire, "voters in swing states like Nevada and North Carolina began seeing eerie promotional travel ads as they scrolled through their Facebook feeds or clicked through Google sites."

"Travel ads," for "The Islamic State of France," and
Another, for the "Islamic State of Germany," invited visitors to "celebrate the arranged marriages of future jihadi soldiers" at a pork-and alcohol-free Oktoberfest.

"You can even sell your daughter or sister to be married," the ad notes enthusiastically while showing the covered face of a woman wearing a black burka.

And just to bring it all home, days before the election, the group made an "Islamic States of America" travel promo, where Syrian refugees have overtaken America. In the ad, the iconic Hollywood sign reads "Allahu Akbar," and the Statue of Liberty wears a burka and holds a star and crescent. In the video, Ground Zero in New York City is shown as place where citizens can "celebrate our Islamic victories."
The lurid videos (posted in Maguire's piece) were underwitten by a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization, Secure America Now. Maguire obtained tax records for the group, showing $2 million donated by pro-Trump dark money groups, and two large individual contributors: Mercer($2 million) and Ronald Laude ($1.1 million).
SAN reported more than $1 million in political spending to the Federal Election Commission in 2016 — in the form of "independent expenditures," which means they appealed directly to voters, asking them to support or oppose specific candidates for office.

While there are some differences between what the FEC and the IRS consider political spending, such direct calls for voters to support or oppose candidates are generally considered to be unambiguously political. Yet, in filing their tax returns, SAN told the IRS it only spent $124,192 on politics.
Whatever chicanery is being slipped past supposed regulators, there still seems to be a nice surplus for next time.