

The rest of this excellent thread.


Photo Choice

Unidentified, non-credited photo meant to illustrate "consciousness"...
Surely the FBI was wide-awake with consciousness—of the Bureau's political agenda—when agents so creatively gathered the impressive tower of files on Tom Hayden.

There's no mistaking the image. Though the event flyer improperly published it without credit (to LA Times), the photo of Hayden with files he obtained through FOIA was familiar to me from Subversives: The FBI's War on Student Radicals, and Reagan's Rise to Power. (Wrote about the book here.)

A 20-something event staffer googled "man + papers" to come up with the illustration? It's reminiscent of the wrong or missing context photos posted on fake history twitter accounts.


No Hotel


No Einstein

With airline disaster news followed by this performance...... it may be that Southpaw's search of the archives hit ultimate There's always a tweet...