
The Context

Because it won't be in the mainstream reporting about unimaginable disaster and suffering, there's all that background about the libertarian paradise of sweatshop labor crowded into Port-Au-Prince, where there are no real building codes...

A quick review of over two centuries of U.S-Haiti history, from Robert Parry.

Max Blumenthal's 2004 piece, "The other regime change," on the Bush Administration's role in the ouster of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Blumenthal covers the Haitian activities of the International Republican Institute, funded by taxpayers through USAID. And the official Bush point man on Haiti—because nothing says concern for the welfare of an impoverished black nation than delegating policy to a Jesse Helms aide.

The usual suspects lose no time during the current devastation.

Within hours of the earthquake, Naomi Klein finds something "hastily yanked by the Heritage Foundation and replaced with a more diplomatic quote, but their first instinct is revealing"—
In addition to providing immediate humanitarian assistance, the U.S. response to the tragic earthquake in Haiti earthquake offers opportunities to re-shape Haiti's long-dysfunctional government and economy as well as to improve the public image of the United States in the region.
With all those profits from his crooked, tax-exempt empire, mega-millionaire Pat Robertson must know all about deals with the devil more real than this usual piece of shtick.

And Limbaugh, just back from compassionate, unionized and near-socialized Hawaiian medical care, is busy telling his fans to ignore the fuss about worthless, poor blacks.

Yes, the publicity is negative, so "responsible" conservatives make a show of criticizing them. But so long as Robertson, Limbaugh and the like are alive and breathing hot air, nothing will remove them from their media platforms.

Nothing to counterbalance these ghouls, except for giving something to aid groups, and hoping they can get through before more lives are lost.

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