
Dark Ages

Minneapolis, 1939
Photographer: John Vachon
Library of Congress

[Decades pass, centuries change; the spelling ability remains the same...]

It's not enough for the current fundie/wingnut astroturf* to merely fan nationwide racist hysteria.

Glenn Greenwald's take on the "9-11 mosque" insanity is worth reading; * identified at Update III.

Apparently, that was not have been good enough, so a Reagan appointee issues out-of-the-blue injunction against Science, on behalf of Snowflake Babies™.

It suggests a bad SciFi plot: petri dishes of embryo pods being readied to invade human society; humans being potentially capable of reason, something that must be stopped...

Or, was this mainly because the anti-women's health crowd needed some riling prior to the election—maybe teabagging operations haven't been working them up adequately?

Or, what's the "follow the money" angle here? In a Bush v. Gore-like decision, two researchers (as opposed to everyone else) are "harmed" by guidelines "lessening their chance of receiving funding for work on adult stem cells." [my emphasis, in that quote].

Whichever way, it's Politically-Connected Christianists: 1;
Scientific Advance/Potential Treatment of Diseases and Creation of Domestic Industries: 0

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