
This Day In Reagan: May 9, 1984

PBS timeline:
May 9, 1984

In a televised speech, Reagan makes a case for helping Contras in Nicaragua. "The Sandinista rule is a Communist reign of terror. Many of those who fought alongside the Sandinistas saw their revolution betrayed. They were denied power in the new government. Some were imprisoned, others exiled. Thousands who fought with the Sandinistas have taken up arms against them and are now called the Contras. They are freedom fighters."
Reagan's public PR was an attack on Congress'previous attempts to limit US involvement in Nicaragua.

Behind the scenes—with no public scrutiny until an event late in 1986 —the administration would continue doing their workarounds.

Poster: Robbie Conal

Paul Slansky, quotes Conal on creating this image and posting it around Los Angeles in October 1987:
"In this one, I think of him as a little paranoid, a little hurt and maybe a little confused... and that's the way he's made me feel for years."

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