
June 6, 1984: On Location

In his piece on the 2004 funeral extravaganza, Eric Boehlert called it
...the 1980s redux, with the Reagan communication team again providing the press, and particularly TV, with priceless pictures and sentimental narrative lines while appreciative producers and reporters neglect to acknowledge the wholesale media manipulation that is going on.
June 6, 1984: the classic example of how this worked.

As told by Paul Slansky
In the PR coup of Michael Deaver's career, President Reagan commemorates the 40th anniversary of D-Day on the site of the Normandy invasion as campaign cameras roll. "These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc," he says of the veterans sitting before him. "These are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions who helped free a continent. These are the heroes who helped end a war."
Slansky adds the part edited out of the pretty pictures:
As he leaves, a veteran shouts out, "Welcome aboard, Ronnie. You're 40 years late."

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