
Keeping Folks Occupied...

That they do, the representatives of the one percent.

They provide opportunities for camping out in a patriotic manner—
(NYT "Black Friday" coverage, via Bag News Notes.)
Meanwhile, they're also busy having the wrong kind of campers evicted... Nearly three hundred arrests after midnight yesterday, as LA police broke up the Occupy site at City Hall.

Bag News again—on the LAPD's bringing in "embedded media" to cover the action—while keeping out independent reporting.

Writer Tina Dupuy was on the scene. Talking today with Sam Seder (segment starting at 33:00), she had a lot to say about the media who were let in, and about the meme that the encampment was dangerous and unsanitary—the story line used by authorities around the country as the for-public-consumption reason to break up Occupy camps.

Touching on actual threats to public safety is Joshua Holland—on the connections among OWS, the gutting of social services, and militarized police forces.

In Britain today, public sector workers took to the streets, in protest against the austerity scam their government has created.

So much happening; now, if only we had a news media...

Though, after suing the Fed for access to its records, Bloomberg News reports how Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks $13 Billion Undisclosed to Congress.

It sure would be nice to see a bit of media (and prosecutorial) interest in an insider scam on a very grand scale—for the benefit of insiders so grand, they can only be a micro-percent, next to whom others of the One Percent are mere hoi polloi.

It would also be nice to see interest in the "sideshow created to distract everyone from what the Fed was up to."

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