
Journalistic Integrity

I came here for the "Planet Money"/Adam Davidson low-down (via this Tbogg must-read).

Take an audience of NPR fans that tunes in for liberal marching orders.

Feed them breezy explanations that in Wall Street crime "everyone"—therefore, no one—is to blame...

Now, who would have imagined that Davidson is on the payroll of "Ally Bank (the artist formerly known as GMAC) and they are kind of bad people..." (Tbogg)

I stayed for the Malcom Gladwell exposé, and subsequent exchange with the great writer himself.

I've glanced at Gladwell's stuff in the past, and found it unreadably shallow trend-marketing. Who knew: yet another Canadian who emigrated very successfully to the wingnut welfare side of the border, and has a long, lucrative history to those connections.

Well, he certainly would have those connections, if S.H.A.M.E. is correct in naming him "America's Most Successful Propagandist."

Or perhaps Gladwell just writes the one true science (unlike, for example, the efforts of what Charles Pierce calls "the greedy, Lamborghini-driving scientists behind the Great Climate Change Hoax.")

Thank god there still is journalistic integrity in this country.

After all, the public was recently made safe from fake Bob Dylan quotes.

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