

Just change the names, and one of 2004's Scariest Halloween Costumes will serve only too well:
Halloween has nothing on Election Day. It's not only a horror that the outcome is even close, but the prospect of a Romney "win" is, well, apocalyptic.

The GOP's dough has bought plenty of Treats.

New, improved vote suppression, by such fine folks as this.

Voter intimidation, with heightened activity in, for example, Ohio and Wisconsin.

A little family investment in extra goodies never hurts, either.

An October surprise could be doubly opportune, if it not only keeps displaced survivors from voting, but also installs those who would kill off FEMA, along with all other federal agency targets.

If it's all not scary enough, consider The Base.

Any percentage of the GOP vote that's not openly racist—or otherwise demented—will endorse a bullying "job creator," something our workplace conditioning makes possible. And if the boss-knows-best brainwashing hasn't been adequate, Job Creators can simply terrorize the help.

In the public institution unit she supervises, Clever Sister has an employee who already is terrified. This woman's daughter and boyfriend were told by their employers that they'll lose their jobs if they don't vote for Willard; that if Obama is re-elected, they'll be fired or have their hours cut. I don't know about the boyfriend, but the daughter is doing home health care for the elderly; a Ryan budget should no doubt do wonders for her boss' business.

And, says CS, the woman's relatives who work at the university hospital are getting similar threats—despite this being a public institution, and having a higher echelon management that loves the prospect of more business through Obamacare.

If all else fails, CEO worship can always be dialed up. "CEO President" not only has a great ring, it's worked so very well before.

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