
The Club

The mentality is this; ergo, glowing reports on this.

It's a "news" media (unlike Charles Pierce) too couth to observe that—
Over in Iraq, they seem to be celebrating with considerable enthusiasm the opening of the new presidential library dedicated to the man almost personally responsible for their liberation, and for the transformation of their country into a shining beacon of liberal democracy in that strife-torn region of the world.
Sarcasm dropped, for a count of yesterday's sectarian attacks, death tolls; just the bloody usual.

While at the Texas shindig—
Back here, of course, there was nothing but love and good feeling, and a conspicuous lack of helicopter gunships raining death from above.
The annual White House Correspondents' spectacle is "Versailles without guillotines", and—
There is no clearer example of the uselessness and essential decadence of our courtier press than the annual White House Correspondents Association dinner, which will be fouling the reputation of the craft of journalism this very weekend.
In reporting the extravagance and inappropriateness of the event, Pierce refuses to forget that—
These would be the same "media organizations" that are laying people off by the carload, slashing the benefits of those they don't lay off, and making people do more work in less time for smaller salaries.

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