
Relax, Detroit

Clever Sister finds this, courtesy of local Fox—
Detroiters, um, interact—
Sitting underneath the iconic bronze Joe Louis fist is what appears to be a giant can of Crisco.
To the left of the massive cooking shortening replica, a sign reads, "Helping to ease the pain of Detroit's bankruptcy."

Jerry Peterson, 57, a West Bloomfield artist and organizer of the "Dirty Show" who goes by Jerry Vile, says it’s his way of getting people to talk about the implications of the city’s historic bankruptcy filing this month.

"It's calling attention to the fact that (bankruptcy) is going to hurt," Vile told The Detroit News on Tuesday. "I'm hoping that people will do something to cut down on that hurt, to ease the pain."
Serena Maria Daniels/The Detroit News
The story goes national.

Motor City Crisco Can speaks out
Apparently a spokesman for Mayor Dave Bing told Deadline Detroit: "After consulting with Detroit Institute of Arts officials, the City's General Services Department has decided to remove the item left at the Fist sculpture today as abandoned property. If the artist is there when the removal takes place and wishes to claim it, he can do so as long as he removes it from City property." I am not an "ITEM"!

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