
"The Losers Take Victory Lap"

For a while there, it was all placed in the hands of Ted Yoho.

But in the end, the likelihood of blowing up the world economy was a no-go for the Owners. Even if this particular episode of hostage-taking ended with the "losers" taking their victory lap, as Steve M. wrote.

And if all tantrums fail, they'll always have impeachment.

"Thanks for all the salmonella," says Tbogg to GOP, as he drops short-form snark in favor of a longer review—
Now that we can say finally goodbye to the Republican True Colors Fail-athon or, as it is known around the Ted Cruz household: Pledge Week, let's us take a gander at all the damage, Tom and Daisy-like, the GOP left in their wake...
Tbogg outlines the damage to science, including flu monitoring (CDC) and medical research (NIH), and to the economy (an estimated $24 billion taken out, in those weeks). He also goes over the names and situations of some real people hurt, like the cancer patient shut out of a last-hope clinical trial treatment.

Very soon, it will soon be as if the last three weeks never happened: the Austerity industry hasn't missed a beat, and the media is full of "Centrism" touting (just for one example: here).

Yes, let's pretend this is for real, after decades of the how far rightward the "center" has been pushed. And with an indefinite government shutdown of much anything that benefits the public via "sequestration,"even as the next shutdown cycle (or other budget tantrum) will soon be here.

Digby says of the Republicans' purge of "moderates"—
The good news is that the Democratic Party, which held on to its inappropriate reactionaries for far longer than the GOP held its liberals, will finally have a chance to at least fight to a draw on the major issues that separate the two parties. The bad news is that there is plenty of terrain for big bipartisan consensus around taking good care of the two parties' most precious assets: their billionaire benefactors. I'm afraid that's the only thing the "vital center" of our two parties agree on. And they are very much in agreement.

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