
Freedom's Most Fervent

Roy Edroso goes over the latest—
Last week the Congressional Budget Office issued another report on the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. Its most widely-reported revelation was that 2.3 million Americans may leave their jobs because Obamacare would make it inadvisable to them to keep them.

We should say "widely-and-variously-reported," because our rightblogger friends first publicized the news to mean that Obama was going to fire all those people; then, when even the normally hapless American press started explaining that this was not so, came up with other explanations, most of which boiled down to this: Under Obamacare, you no longer have to keep a despised job to have health insurance -- which is terrible, since keeping a job for the insurance is the American Way.
Or, as Edroso puts it here
...about the CBO finding that, since Obamacare lets Americans quit jobs they no longer need for insurance, 2.3 million of them might do so, and the outrage this engenders among rightbloggers. Yes, freedom's just another word for -- actually, at this point, who knows?
Of course, there won't stop at that, when there will always be another meme to grasp at. Edroso helpfully presents this one—
...in 2010 Nancy Pelosi said something about the Affordable Care Act: That citizens who'd been keeping jobs (first, second, or third) just so they could keep health insurance that went with it would, thanks to the ACA, have a chance to drop it and try to become "an artist or a photographer or a writer."

Pelosi also said Obamacare left citizens free to "start a business and be entrepreneurial and take risk," but none of the brethren heard that -- their brains were too inflamed by visions of dirty bohemians spending their taxpayer dollars on Gauloises, Moleskins, and beret cleaner.
Ergo: right launches War on Poetry. Which at least brings entertainment, courtesy of Edroso's commenters...
Rick Santorum stands ready to condemn man on doggerel text.
so much depends

a red faced right blogger

glazed with freedom

beside the white
chickenshit voters.
Meanwhile: promising they shall "overcome," and that "the whole world is watching," capitalism's biggest boosters threaten a private corporation—which dared endorse an 'Un-American' union election be held in the South.
Now here's a happy employee...
Dollar store display
Photo: Clever Sister

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