
The News From Radio Rwanda

During a season that happens to mark the 50th anniversary of Freedom Summer, the recently concocted media narrative is "crisis"—a rising number of unaccompanied Central American children turning themselves in at the border.

This is not about immigration, "illegal" or otherwise. And yes, there is a crisis, but a completely different one: a crisis of human rights. It's also a crisis many years in the making, and intimately tied to US Central American policies: support of repressive regimes, "free trade," drug war. By now, the escalating brutality of criminal gangs and absence of functional governments in the region has made the future so dire for these children that families risk sending them on this dangerous trip.

A different, and perpetual "crisis": the Right's need to get the crazies riled up and staying that way until November. A crisis decades in the making? All Obama's fault...

The usual opportunism and lack of human decency is on display, as in the "diseased immigrants" theme.

And—to carry on the tradition of Republican politicos who once took the Hippocratic Oath—the cynical conflation of this refugee crisis with the current outbreak of Ebola in west Africa.

Establishment pundits are eager as always for some imagined means of making the lunatics happy.

The rabble-rousing is effective: residents of a town—a suspiciously named town, at that—succeed at mob action, a la Bundy Ranch.

With rightwingers' eagerness to use these children's suffering for political gain, Edroso deems them "Borderline Personalities: Rightbloggers Vs. Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free."

And, never forget: It's Obama's Fault! As Roy puts it—
As the Obama Administration has deported at least two million aliens, and on immigration matters is basically following a federal law signed by George W. Bush, that's pretty rich. But since Obama's a liberal and liberals are notorious bleeding hearts -- plus which he's not white, either! -- rightbloggers still accused the President of flooding the nation with dangerous brownskins for some nefarious purpose.

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