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The case presented to the grand jury: prosecution of the victim.

Following days of manipulating the media to tease whether the decision was about to come, yesterday's announcement was made at night—just to ensure proper riot footage for Fox.

After the verdict, broadcasters thoughtfully gave McCulloch much valuable airtime. This, he used to blame "the 24-hour news cycle" and "social media" for his having had to even pretend to address Michael Brown's death in the first place.

Longtime observer of politicians,Charles Pierce, was moved to say
... this Bob McCulloch guy may be the single greasiest public servant I've ever encountered. I've never seen a DA who was so damned proud of himself for putting a grand jury on automatic pilot. ... And I've never seen such a perfect mixture of condescension and willful nonfeasance in my many years of watching how law enforcement in this country operates. This, after all, is a guy who once personally wrangled a grand jury to discover the identity of a whistleblower. This is a guy who once lied through his teeth about another police shooting, this one involving a car that allegedly "charged" a couple of officers, much as Michael Brown allegedly "charged" Darren Wilson. The kindest evaluation of McCulloch's record is that he is a very active prosecutor with a very clear sense of what he can make a grand jury do, if he chooses to do so, which he did not in this case, for reasons that are far from unclear. In the most high-profile case of his career, prosecutor Bob McCulloch insisted he was just a feather in the wind, just gathering evidence so the grand jury could make up its own mind...
Tbogg catches this: State of the Union, in a nutshell—

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