
Sticking It To

A catch from Steve M.—the Nixonian appeal of Scott Walker—
"I like what he did to Wisconsin, and I think he'd be great at getting rid of a bunch of stuff that the government is doing to us," said Kerri Vaughn, a carpenter from western Iowa who has followed Walker's career mostly on Fox News.
Right -- Vaughn doesn't like what Walker did in Wisconsin, or for Wisconsin -- Vaughn likes what Walker did to Wisconsin. Politicians are, or ought to be, like the worst kinds of cops or CEOs -- they should go into a situation and do stuff to people, smacking them around for their own good. Note what in particular Vaughn would like our next president to "accomplish": "getting rid of a bunch of stuff that the government is doing to us."
Tengrain adds—
"So why is (under criminal investigation) Walker doing so well you ask?"
The easy answer is in that carpenter's quote—
What Walker did to Wisconsin. Not what Walker did in Wisconsin, or what Walker did for Wisconsin. Let that sink in for a moment.

Wingnuttia wants a guy who beats up the imaginary hippie under the bed, and fights overpaid kindergarten teachers, and someone willing to sell off entire chunks of both the apparatus of government and the public resources to corporate America; we also note that Walker takes orders well from his paymasters. Wingnuts want a preznint who will get rid of stuff the government is doing to us (which helpfully Bloomberg didn't ask, "Like what?"). One might draw one's own conclusions as to what those pesky things are.

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