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Look Away, Dixieland... A bill is introduced into the SC legislature to remove Confederate flag from the state capitol grounds. A bit overdue, seeing as it's over 150 years since they lost the war, and this may or may not be passed. Also a bit slow: Nikki Haley backs the bill, after initial non-commitment.

Charles Pierce, on Republicans and "solid principle"—
... look at the photo of Haley during her press conference yesterday. If you look closely, in the background, you can see obvious anagram Reince Priebus, the emptiest suit in American politics, who was in attendance to represent the Republican party's long-standing opposition to the display of symbols of treason, a solid principle since at least last Wednesday. Of course, he was there because most of the candidates for his party's presidential nomination have been flopping around like fish in a boat on this issue for a week now, and Haley was doing Priebus and the rest of those political giants the inestimable favor of letting them off the hook, at least for the moment.
Walmart, Amazon, Sears, eBay had acted more quickly, announcing they would stop selling Confederate flag merchandise.

Don't know if this purchase came from Walmart, but the company's new policy won't affect the amount of firepower always on sale.

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