
A Romance That Will Never Fade

After its fawning over St Boehner (and yawning over this), the media has new opportunity to swoon over the object of its affection.

Ryan may be in a new role, but he lost no time in being predictable. For openers, claiming the House can't act on immigration because the president is "untrustworthy." As tengrain says—
So, um, Paul: legislate something. Put it before the president. He signs it or he doesn't. That's the process.

Unless of course, you want him to use Executive Orders on immigration which you can then use to fundraise as you posture with the rubes.
And is in usual form with this; in tengrain's synopsis—
Zombie-eyed Granny-starver Paul Ryan explains to us why it is that members of Congress deserve work-life balance, well him anyway, but the rest of us don't...
tengrain adds —
Personally, I want my representative to be exactly like the rest of us: in a hurry, harassed, exhausted and living in fear from paycheck to paycheck (but considering that most of them are multi-millionaires this is unlikely).

I'd like them to feel exactly what the rest of us feel as they chop away at the safety net and set the ammosexuals loose against the rest us.

I’d also like to think that they care, but they are clearly sociopaths.

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