
Tower Of Babble

When horrifying things happen, they tend to be recognizable as such to regular human beings. That they happen so often and so quickly must occasionally throw even right-wingers off their game—of turning any horror into grist for the propaganda mill.

This time around they've received a bit of negative reaction. Even the NY Daily News has had some things to say with recent covers ("Syed Farook joins long line of psychos enabled by NRA sick gun jihad against America in the name of profit.")

And this—
It's just this that makes the right certain they are the real victims: their feelings are being hurt. Roy Edroso explains the inexplicable; that is, riffs on it—
...about the San Bernardino shooting and rightblogger attempts to wrest benefits from it. The War on Whatchamacallit angle was expected since the assailants turned out to be Muslim, but the "prayer-shaming" bit was something new and unexpected. I mean, it fits their classic template -- since they lost their 9/11 juju rightbloggers have perfected the rhetorical soccer dive, and Lord knows they like to pretend they're oppressed because of their Christianity, as we saw after the gay marriage ruling. But whereas their gay-marriage victimhood claims were based on the possibility that The State would make them do something -- bake cakes for gay weddings, for example -- the prayer-shaming shtick is nakedly about people making them feel bad....
In post-massacre San Bernadino, reporters themselves created quite a spectacle. About which David Ehrenstein adds an interesting perspective on paparazzi and crime scene behavior.

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