
The Circus Comes To Town

Trump goes to Vermont; so does Charles Pierce, and he observes of crowd and media in attendance—
Only He, Trump can put on this kind of show and, even if you're only there to observe it and to chronicle it, you are complicit in its creation and in its very life force in our politics. He has put the entire system in a box. He takes it out a couple of times a week to play with it.
So: mega-huckster, with perfect instincts for exploiting media, inserts self into a political system degraded to the point of said media being unable to take its cameras off him... Pierce gets at some real essence behind the absence of reality—
There is no point in discussing pots and kettles any more. There is no point in pondering what's real and what isn't. Until they start casting votes in anger, we're all just barkers in a splendid carnival, playing to packed houses in a country that has been conditioned for decades to look at its politics as a television show, as divorced from ordinary life as The X-Files. Government is a sham, but politics is a show. Line up around the block. Don't be late. Step right up, suckers.

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