
The Butler, Doing It Again

This guy.

This week
Anthony Senecal, who worked as Donald Trump's butler for 17 years before being named the in-house historian at the tycoon's Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, has repeatedly published posts on his Facebook page that express profound hatred for President Barack Obama and declare he should be killed.
The posts were later taken down, and Trump "disavows" the remarks by the "former butler." All of a sudden, Senecal isn't an employee, he just hangs around as a Trump "historian.".

As the NYT quoted him, in a March interview,
"You're a Hispanic and you're in here trimming the trees and everything, and a guy walks up and hands you a hundred dollars," Mr. Senecal said. "And they love him, not for that, they just love him."
When Trump married the current wife
...Mr. Senecal greeted guests at the door, including Hillary Clinton. (In the interview, he offered a profane description for Mrs. Clinton, the front-runner in the Democratic presidential race.)
Steve M. adds other sentiments from the Family Values heartland; one needs to take a shower after reading what's directed at Mrs. Obama and the kids.

Steve M. adds,
Here's what I want to know: When is the "respectable" political world going to recognize what a cesspool of hate and delusion conservatism has become in America?

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