
The Morning After...

Night One of the freak show.

The GOPvention opened with ... a prayer...

This shows how weak Trump's political instincts really are. His team exploited a grieving mother, but instead of milking the exploitation, Trump called Fox during her speech, earning a cut away to himself. It would seem a clumsy W-style hug for this woman was called for, but Trump's sociopathy is accompanied by a germ phobia.

Of all people for Melania's speechwriter to plagiarize...

It is pretty astounding, considering how this team has spent the last eight years demonizing the First Lady.

The twitterverse soon contributed more, #FamousMelaniaTrumpQuotes.

And tonight...
It would be hard for Wingnuttia to top Monday's Make America Safe Again festivities, but they seem to be up for the challenge of riding their high horse on a low road. Tonight’s theme is Make America Work Again.
tengrain adds Brian Beutler's tweet of last night:
Will be hard for tomorrow night's theme of "a minority will take your job" to top tonight's theme of "a minority is going to kill you."

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