
Foul Deeds Live On

If she wasn't the original model for Ladies Against Women, she was the most successful of her type.

Still active into her nineties, and recently touting Trump as a fine Christian. It was all of a piece, for an activist who set back U.S. society for an unknown number of decades.

In true Family Values fashion, she went out in a blaze of legal battling over which of her spawn will gain control of Eagle Forum.

Among note taken of Schafly's passing: tengrain; pz Myers; David E.; LGM.

General consensus among commenters is along three lines:
1. As after the passing of Scalia, the world is made better by Schafly's absence.

2. "To paraphrase Bette Davis, 'You should never say bad things about the dead, you should only say good ... Phyllis Schlafly is dead. Good.'"

3. "She chose to die rather than see a woman become President."

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