
Legal Eagle

Just released: Trump deposition. This particular one is for his lawsuit against companies that backed out of opening restaurants in the DC hotel, following Trump's speeches against Mexican immigrants.

Trump's statement is the beaut to be expected. Shakezula pulls out this prime bit of self-justification—
I'm running for office. I obviously have credibility because I now, as it turns out, became the Republican nominee running against, we have a total of 17 people that were mostly senators and governors, highly respected people. So it's not like, you know, like I've said anything that could be so bad. Because if I said something that was so bad, they wouldn't have had me go through all of these people and win all of these primary races. And I'm pretty even in the polls or close to even in the polls right now.

So I was very surprised that he wanted to get out of the lease.

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