
And, The Winner Is...

The last, best flatterer to get his ear!
"Finalist", as on Reality TV... Who wasn't thinking that? Although Charles Pierce went for another Trump venue—
Finalists? The swimsuit competition between Giuliani, Carson, and Bolton must have been a sight to see.
That from a long post on "Camp Runamuck in Manhattan," lede of which is, "You have to wonder just how far from its best self the United States has wandered when one of the nation's leading war criminals is nervous about the incoming administration."

John Yoo is the war criminal being referenced. From Yoo quotes ("I don't think he has a very good sense of how our law enforcement system works"), Pierce segues to Camp Runamuck, where
...Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of the president-elect, is now the straw boss of the larval regime. It has been reported by various people that Kushner has purged from the inner circle anyone who was in any way friendly to Chris Christie who, as U.S. Attorney in New Jersey, sent Kushner's pappy to the federal sneezer for a spell, partly because Kushner's pere had gotten back at his brother-in-law by setting the poor sap up with a pricey woman of the town.

In short, the transition team of a president-elect who already has demonstrated a jones for reckless revenge is now being run by a guy who has made a life's work of reckless revenge against anyone who helped send his father up the river for an act of reckless revenge. This is no longer a political operation. It's a Sergio Leone film.
Current chaotic jockeying aside, winners will be selected; in Pierce's words, "The actual parade of horribles will come in due time."

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