
The Tell

Marcy Wheeler: "After complaining about how the nomination has destroyed his family, he accuses a shady, largely fictional, mirror image of the Right Wing Noise Machine of seeking revenge." Kavanaugh's tell being that the Clintons are avenging themselves against him.
The guy who insisted that–
I am strongly opposed to giving the President any 'break' in the questioning regarding the details of the Lewinsky relationship — unless before questioning on Monday, he either (i) resigns or (ii) confesses perjury and issues a public apology to [sexual assault cover-up expert Ken Starr].
That guy thinks the scrutiny of his own sexual past is just "revenge on behalf of the Clintons," plural. Not just Hillary for — as he explicitly mentions — "President Trump and the 2016 election." But also Bill Clinton, the man whom Kavanaugh demanded describe details of his use of sex toys and enjoyment of blowjobs under oath, and perhaps even Chelsea, the young girl who had to watch her parents be humiliated before the entire nation.

In spite of Kavanaugh's suggestion that this imagined campaign would have consequences for decades, his admission that it might be revenge means it must be revenge for something. For something done to the Clintons. Hillary. And Bill.
And he's foaming at the mouth, waiting to be where he can really punish all enemies.

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