
February 2006 (I): Tenderized And Lightly Peppered

On February 11 Cheney shoots hunting partner.

"Peppered" soon becomes the requisite media term. As the victim hastens to apologize to Cheney,
the "peppering" is made to sound as if Dick had done Harry a tremendous favor...Maybe something like Russians beating each other with birch branches in the banya?

Among the messages and news clips from Clever Sister in the next couple of days:
2/13 -
--"He is stable and doing well. It was almost like he was spending time with
me in my living room," said hospital administrator Peter Banko, who
visited Whittington.--

--Really did hear this on the BBC this AM:
A woman in the midwest was being interviewed about the shooting of Dick
Cheney's hunting buddy and she actually said, "Well, if you're going to be
shot by someone, it's at least an honor to be shot by the Vice President."
I guess the WMD are being moved to Iran right now!--

2/14 -
-- 1:56 PM BREAKING NEWS: The 78 year old lawyer who was shot by Vice President Dick Cheney in a
hunting accident has some birdshot lodged in his heart and he had "a
minor heart attack" Tuesday morning, hospital officials said.
from peppered to birdshot in his heart!--
-- 2:24 PM he still has approximately 150 to 200 bird shot pellets still in his body.
So, the upper limit is about 72 pellets per shell. 150 pellets in the guy means Dicky fired twice or thrice.

-- 3:35 PM Now some of the headlines changed to "heart irregularity" or "heart scare"
they musta gotten the call from Karl!
The shooting has aroused sympathy for Cheney in South Texas, where many locals hunt and accept that there is always the risk of an accident. "If it happens every once in a while, we're not alarmed by it," Carlos Valdez, the local district attorney, said of nonfatal accidental shootings.

A week before all this, we had the rare occasion where some mild truth was spoken in Bush's presence: Coretta Scott King's funeral. Followed, of course, by media condemnation of the truth tellers.

Cheney's blasting his friend will be the rare Bush distraction that's at least mildly gratifying. We have the spectacle of Harry's sorrow over "all that Vice President Cheney and his family have had to go through this week."

And the rare honest glimpse of a loaded and armed Cheney inspires the creative.

Bob Harris posts a poll, the results including:

If you're innocent, you shouldn't mind a shotgun blast to the face -

The Patriot Act gives Cheney the legal authority to shoot guys in the face -

Firedoglake runs a haiku contest—Dickfest. The 500+ entries include plenty of gems to keep Clever Sister and me trying not to laugh out loud at work:
An accident it must have been,
And not a planned attack
Because Dick shot him in the face
Instead of in the back.

When William Clinton was the president
To get a blow job was a big disgrace.
But times have changed, now it's OK
To shoot a load in some old geezer's face!

There once was a Veep from Halliburton
Who knew that his poll numbers were hurtin
As he turned on the shooter,he thought he saw Scooter
And prayed Plamegate was buried for certain.

Dick's friend? Shot in the head.
Iraqis? Around 100,000 dead.
Congress? Power's been bled.
Demoracy? She's been put to bed.

And the winner:
If epitaphs were polygraphs,
This, terse and edifying,
Would crown the veep in final sleep:
Here lies Big Time--still lying.

Of course, nothing will interfere with Business As Usual.

The Social Security privatization that Bush can't achieve politically has been sneaked into the budget.


From: Clever sister
To: Pink
Date: 2/21/2006 1:30 PM
Subject: they don't waste any time do they?

NYT headline: "Supreme Court Reopens Abortion Issue on Alito's First Day"

And why Republicans need never take responsibility -

From: Clever sister
To: Pink
Date: 2/21/2006 3:48 PM
Subject: Washington did it!

Bush Blames Energy Lab Cuts on Mix Up

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