
February 2008: Crime And Selective Punishment

watertiger: "Happy Valentine's Day from the Bush Administration."

The same day, hardly a valentine: Glenn Greenwald offers FISA 101. It includes a question which answers itself: "Are establishment journalists truly incapable of understanding the most basic facts about eavesdropping, or are they unwilling?"

Or, maybe they are smart enough to avoid giving offense to the Listeners. A few days later the Supreme Court refuses to hear the suit brought by prominent persons—journalists among them—who've been spied on by the regime.

Back to Valentine's Day: The Washington Post runs an article by Elliot Spitzer—Predatory Lenders' Partner in Crime. Spitzer details how, in the early stages of the subprime mortgage disaster, states' attorneys general began working together to control predatory bank practices—only to be thwarted at the federal level.

Less than a month later: Spitzer is no longer New York governor, having been stupid enough to be trapped by post-9/11 bank surveillance. Which, like electronic eavesdropping, is not just for terra-ists: it conveniently watches everyone, especially political enemies. And so: regime takes down another Democratic governor.

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