
July 2008: Pictures, Words

When the daughter-in-law of Jesus' Best Administrative Assistant threatened to abandon unemployed Sonny, Jr. (and baby) for an army paycheck, J's BAA went into action.

Sonny, Jr. has now worked in our Department for nearly a year.

By hiring Sonny and making Jesus' BAA happy, the IT manager surely made Dr. G. Zuss happy, too.

This couldn't have been nepotism because, according to Jesus' BAA, Sonny, Jr. is a computer jeenyus. Just like his pappy, who is, "a geek in civilian clothes...just a nice guy..." Unlike your usual satanic computer guys, apparently.

Whatever talents Sonny, Jr. may possess, they don't include figuring out how to compose an email and send it to the appropriate persons. The entire Department—over nine hundred strong—receives an All Staff—
Subject: sonny not coming in today

7/16/08 8:59 PM

i have a dentest and doctor appointment today so i will be missing today
Which doesn't even make sense in terms of time stamp/"today" correlation...

Clever Sister remarks:
It ain't in the dictshunary

"will be missing"

Wow! What does this person do?
A rhetorical question, as I've already told her what Sonny does—be related to our Department Chairman's admin assistant...

Later, CS actually finds a "dentest"...

With McCain's campaign so busy setting up their candidate as the butt of jokes, water tiger keeps busy with photo enhancement opportunities.

There was McCain's Baghdad jaunt at the end of March—
One of Mr. McCain’s colleagues on the visit to the Baghdad market was Rep. Mike Pence, an Indiana Republican, who marveled at the peaceful scene and compared it to a "normal outdoor market in Indiana in the summertime."
Earning water tiger's response—
John McCain Visits Indiana
In April, visits continued to be paid...
John McCain Visits Orlando...
...San Francisco...
...The Lower East Side...
...Portland, Maine...
This month, water tiger on McCain's trip to Columbia (with soulmates Joe & Lindsay)—
The Sunshine Boys play Cartagena
In contrast to that bunch of losers, are the real players:
Well, somebody accomplished his mission.

From Think Progress:

In a 1998 interview, Osama bin Laden — the terrorist organizer of 9/11 who still roams free — listed as one of his many grievances against the U.S. that Americans "have stolen $36 trillion from Muslims" by purchasing oil from Persian Gulf countries at low prices. The real price of a barrel of oil should be $144, bin Laden demanded.

Ten years ago today, the price of a barrel of oil was just $11. Heading into this holiday weekend, the price of a barrel of oil rested at $144 — a thirteen-fold increase.
water tiger is such a treasure, I was thinking of just using this month's space for links to her recent stuff.

Then as soon as I had that thought, I saw
Bush looks to legacy at last G-8?

From McClatchy:

"People read the American poll numbers and realize there's no juice behind Bush," said John Hulsman, an analyst for the German Council on Foreign Relations, a research center. "They (other G-8 leaders) will be polite, they'll be respectful, they'll listen to him, but they can't wait for him to leave the room."

They're not the only ones. Let's recap, shall we?
Followed by water tiger's compilation of some key images from the last few years: the smirking frat boy juxtaposed with some of the consequences of his having been placed where he is.

Sometimes a picture of Bush is worth a thousand laughs.

But the pictures that remind us of his victims—there's no counting the tears or measuring the pain caused by what those images represent.


July 2007: Hot Fun In The Summertime

Jesus' Best Administrative Assistant returns from camp—on crutches, after spraining an ankle in an overzealous volleyball move. Due to thinking, "the higher the leap, the closer to God"...?One year after Sonny Jr's wedding, the couple and kid still live in the basement, chez Jesus' BAA. Sonny III is six or seven months old, and called "S3" by his parents. Is that supposed to sound like a truck model? Or, maybe it's to emulate the family heroes: the dynasty where father and spawn refer to each other as "41" and "43."

Sonny, Jr. just lost the job he'd gotten recently. He had been sick for a day, then in a vehicle accident and out a second day. Which exceeded his "one absence per first six months of employment"...

Jesus' BAA relates this without comment. And she may very well think it's just dandy—that God has directed the company to make the rules, and the employees to obey.

In any case, Sonny is unemployed. The fights over money have begun... and Elly May threatens that, if Sonny doesn't start earning some pronto, she will join the army.

This is about all these people have in their repertoire.

Dr. G. Zuss may not yet have gained control over employee work station décor, but this month he compensates with an art-shopping spree for the executive suite and surrounding areas. The budget for this includes the services of—an Art Consultant. Who guides Dr. G. Zuss in finding art both to his liking and suitable for "Our Department's Brand."

Because I see the receipts, I know a bundle has been spent on a number of rooms and other spaces. Including the hallway outside the executive suite: a space so narrow it's impossible to look at what's on the walls without walking either into people passing or the art itself.

And "Our Brand" is...what? Most departments hang art that has something to do with their field—or else with the University in general, or the sports teams.

Our CEO mainly wanted to coordinate art to his new wall colors. And he likes mildly abstract pictures—so we now have architectural detail photos of buildings in anonymous locations, shot in extreme close-up and "creative" angles.

Jesus' BAA must have been especially shocked that her boss likes abstraction.

Cruella, on the other hand, barges into the room, oohing and ahhing to Dr. G. Zuss, and announcing, "your taste is just like mine!"

Dr.G. Zuss gets the mildly pained look that comes over him when the underlings speak without having been spoken to. He makes no reply, and Cruella's gambit doesn't seem so effective. But for her, currying favor with authority is a life-long campaign, not to be slowed by a momentary setback.

There's another notable change in the surroundings.

For years, there's been an unmarked room outside the executive suite. It would appear to a storage room, but the unlocked door periodically swings open to reveal a sink and toilet stall.

These are used only by Dr. G. Zuss and Mr. Ghengis. There is an unstated rule that the toilet is off-limits to everyone else—even the most senior male faculty and division chiefs pass it by, to use the men's room farther down the hall.

As the redecoration spree winds down, I walk in one morning to find new wall signs outside the rooms. The room that was previously private, but discreetly so, is now marked, "Executive Washroom." Which is repeated in Braille—presumably, one can't be too careful about blind people entering places above their station.

I report this to Clever Sister, as well as to friends and relations in other departments. In total, the sample represents many decades of experience throughout the University. And the amazement over this piece of chutzpah is unanimous.

The University is a hierarchy, but it's also a public institution, and distinctions are not usually flaunted this much; not so publicly, in a hallway with a lot of traffic. The upper reaches may well have executives-only facilities, but I've never been around a department that's announced it so blatantly. Nor has anyone I know.

Dateline: July 4, 2007—
American citizens will now be compelled to allow British soldiers to live in their homes, thanks to a new signing statement from President Bush.

By negating the Third Amendment, the new order completes the abrogation of the entire United States Bill of Rights. High-level White House sources have indicated that this was Bush's sole purpose in issuing the statement.
Actually, from a "prediction" by Bob Harris, a year ago. Not really so over the top, the joke being based on too much painful truth—
The signing statement — Bush's once-controversial practice of amending and interpreting laws as he signs them, arrogating to himself the traditional roles of both the Congress and Supreme Court — was the 1,745th of Bush's presidency. Previous signing statements have negated the prohibition of torture, eliminated oversight of Bush's use of the Patriot Act, and declared "Englesh" the official language of the United States.

Some constitutional scholars claim that Bush's total number of signing statements is actually 1,744, and that statement number 1,309 was, in fact, an uncompleted seven-letter game of Hangman.
As for our moronic political campaign season, driftglass writes of the Sunday morning pundit show commentary:
Hoss race toutin'.


If I want to see overpaid men running in meaningless circles, NASCAR is only a click away...
Among the paragons already in office is David "Gays Threaten Marriage" Vitter. Elected to the House from Louisiana in a 1999 special election—after an adultery scandal led to Bob Livingston's resignation.

During his 2004 campaign for Senate, Mary Jacoby's Salon profile described Vitter's political rise, despite "rumors involving a prostitute and a secret alliance with neo-Nazi David Duke"—
He presents himself as a morally righteous, clean-cut family man, and his wife and three young children have become virtual campaign props. The Harvard-educated Rhodes scholar is also extremely intelligent, observers say, and runs perhaps the most effective political ads in the state. But there are hints of a dark side: allegations of an affair with a prostitute and a lawsuit claiming he lost his temper and physically charged at a woman at a town hall meeting.
And as his political career got underway—
Asked by an interviewer in 2000 whether she could forgive her husband if she learned he'd had an extramarital affair, as Hillary Clinton and Bob Livingston's wife had done, Wendy Vitter told the Times-Picayune: "I'm a lot more like Lorena Bobbitt than Hillary. If he does something like that, I'm walking away with one thing, and it's not alimony, trust me."
But Republicans are nothing if not forgiving.

Even after Vitter is publicly identified as a "D.C. Madam" client, Mrs. Lorena Bobbitt Vitter Stands By Her Man.

And even after becoming known as "Diaper Dave," his Republican colleagues gave him a standing ovation on his return to the Senate. An event commemorated for posterity by water tiger.


July 2006 (II): Hearts And Hammers

During the 1990s, I led the pink collar life in Seattle. And like a lot of city residents, I was unhappy with the Seattle Art Museum's 1992 decision to install a behemoth Jonathan Borofsky "Hammering Man" statue.

Photo: Matthew Langley

According to museum PR, the statue was meant to "honor the working class"...or some such. Even though—after decades of Republican rule—pretty much any manual trades that hadn't yet been killed off were about to be.

A more credible representation of the "worker" theme would have been "Keyboarding Woman" [Earning 70.8¢ to Man's $1]*
*1992 figures from pay-equity.org
As a decade later, "Bangalore Call Center Employee" could be truest to life.

But in '92, "Hammering Man" was on his way to Seattle, and this worker did plenty of mouthing off about it.

Much of the local arts world was displeased at being bypassed—not just for a "name"—but for a name that seems to keep selling knockoffs of the same statue. Among the numerous other versions prior to Seattle's is a nearly 70-footer (21 m) in Frankfurt am Main.

Then, in 1993—on the first Labor Day after installation of Borofsky's "worker"—some locals made a very direct response—

Photos: Barry Wong/The Seattle Times
Eric Scigliano tells how the ball-and-chain was created, then attached to the statue, by a group of
...about 20 co-conspirators, ages 20 to 40-plus, including ironworkers and artists, Job Corps alumni and activists. Over nine months, they secretly built a tarpaulin-covered workshop and fabricated the 6 1/2-foot, 700-pound ball and chain of industrial 14-gauge steel. To guard against rolling, they flattened the bottom of the ball. To protect the sculpture from damage, they lined the shackle with heavy rubber.

They planned their installation with bank-robbery precision. First they staged a full-dress rehearsal, complete with a dummy foot, in broad daylight in an outlying neighborhood. Then on Labor Day, they installed it. They clocked themselves hoisting the ball from their pickup truck, positioning it at the real foot and locking the shackle with a precisely machined steel pin: 31 seconds.
The project was the brainchild of a guerilla artist calling himself "Subculture Joe"—in Scigliano's words, "a 23-year-old metalworker with a penchant for conceiving colossal pranks and a rarer talent for mustering collaborators to realize them, with less utopian notions of work than Mr. Borofsky's."

Scigliano says of "Joe," who learned his trade in the Job Corps, that
chaining "Hammering Man" appealed to him not just as a prank and statement; it offered an answer to his discontent and a way to "rally the troops" for a bigger agenda. That agenda entails using guerrilla art to give other disaffected young people purpose, industrial skills and, finally, employment. Dada meets the Job Corps.
Scigliano's entire NYT story is here. The public's response to the Labor Day action: 70% of those polled found the ball-and-chain an improvement to the original, and they wanted it to stay.

The city removed the attachment, but didn't press charges. After a city arts administrator sniffed that Subculture Joe's group were not artists, but mere "fabricators of the attachment," the group happily appropriated the term as their new name.

Fast forward three years: to July 15, 1996. It was a Monday, and I was at work a couple miles from the city center. Sometime that afternoon, word got around that a bomb threat downtown had central streets closed off and traffic immobilized.

As details emerged, it became clear that this was police overreaction to a non-existent threat. A tipoff: the "bomb" was...
...a 10-foot anatomically correct sheet-metal heart, placed in the bed of a graffiti-covered junker truck. (Photo: Stefanie Boyar/The Seattle Times)

By now, giant metal hearts were well-known locally as the trademark of "Subculture Joe"—who himself was now well-known by his real name, Jason Sprinkle.

Before the "bomb threat," Sprinkle and the Fabricators had installed two previous hearts, in exactly the same spot: a (at the time) pedestrians-only section of downtown Seattle—
... on Valentine’s Day [1994]... the Fabricators erected a heart for "the unloved," inviting spurned lovers to write the names of their beloved on it and then to strike it with a sledgehammer.

Later, in January 1995, the Fabricators built a 13-foot, three-quarter ton steel heart pierced through the center with a 12-foot pole in the shape of a knife. This sculpture was left in Westlake Park to protest the decision to reopen Pine Street [to vehicles]...

The decision had been made in a vote after the Nordstroms, owners of the Seattle-based department store chain, said they would not open a flagship store downtown... unless vehicular traffic were restored to Pine Street. Some felt the decision had damaged the public character of the park and represented a surrender to the rich and powerful. In this spirit, the Fabricators painted slogans on their heart, including "Big Brother" and "Corporate Interests." After negotiations with the Seattle Parks Department, Sprinkle hauled that heart away.
On 7/15/96 Sprinkle acted alone—and on impulse—for the first time. The latest heart had been created as a "Heart of American Youth," that Sprinkle planned to deliver to President Clinton. He traveled from Seattle, stopping at Job Corps sites and having kids sign the heart (and his truck).

He got as far as Utah, where Job Corps officials objected to graffiti, and Sprinkle refused to censor it. He returned to Seattle, frustrated about the project fizzling out. And it seems long-standing emotional problems began to get the better of him.

Sprinkle decided to make what he saw as a gift to the city in farewell to the pedestrian mall: he parked his truck, let the air out of the tires, and walked away. He lingered close enough to observe passersby laughing at the spectacle—and a meter reader ticketing the truck.

At some point police spotted a bit of forgotten graffiti under the grille. It was from an Idaho Job Corps trainee and referred to his program—"Timber Lake Carpentry rules. The bomb!"

The bomb squad was called.Photo: Mike Urban/Seattle Post-Intelligencer

A robot was borrowed from the county.Photo: Tom Reese/The Seattle Times

Sprinkle called the mayor's office to say the vehicle was harmless, but an aide hung up on him. After having a reporter friend contact the police, Sprinkle was arrested that evening. Bail for the unemployed artist was set at $100,000.

Running mainly in the Business section, the Seattle Times' subsequent coverage was along the lines of, Westlake Shoppers Just Want To Forget 5-Hour Evacuation.

And a report on the day following the scare: City To Buy Bomb-Fighting Robot
Monday afternoon, the council turned down a request from the Police Department to buy such a robot. But just a few minutes after the rejection, Councilwoman Jane Noland, chair of the public-safety committee, was among the thousands who got stuck in traffic during a bomb scare in Westlake Park.

That was enough to change her mind and the minds of other council members, who yesterday approved spending $120,000 for a remote-controlled robot.
And on further political ramifications, Post-Intelligencer art critic Regina Hackett
Some say Jason Sprinkle is Seattle's most prominent performance artist, but my vote goes to King County Prosecutor Norm Maleng.

Sprinkle left his metal heart and junker truck at Fourth Avenue and Pine Street on July 15. He intended the piece as a farewell to his brand of art on the run. Instead of an elegy, he created a public panic, with police evacuating the downtown and tying up traffic for hours. Maleng had the presence of mind to conflate that panic into a major crime and showcase himself as anti-terrorist avenger.

Maleng's more effective at street theater, beating the artist at his own game. What gets lost in Maleng's performance is justice.

Maleng has charged Sprinkle under a recent state law that makes it a crime to intimidate with an explosive. It's a felony carrying a prison sentence of up to five years and a fine of up to $10,000. Sprinkle has been in jail since the event.
Years later, Eric Scigliano revisited the events of July 1996
...Rush-hour commuters stewed in a downtown lockdown. Talk-radio fire-breathers and newspaper editorialists called for the responsible party's head. King County prosecutor and gubernatorial candidate Norm Maleng grandstanded grandly, comparing this art attack to bombings in Belfast, Saudi Arabia and Oklahoma City and the downing of TWA Flight 800.

Exit Jason Sprinkle, locked up for five weeks, at first without the meds that kept his mental hatches screwed down. He became the first supposed terrorist charged under a new state law making it a felony to "intimidate or harass" with an "explosive device," real or simulated. This time the device was imaginary and the charge preposterous, but prosecutors clung to it for four months, until the spotlight dimmed and they settled for a trespassing plea and probation.
By 2001 I was living elsewhere and rarely following Seattle news. But in the post-9/11 course of events, I often thought of Seattle's big bomb scare. When I finally began to search the 1996 story, the first results were obituaries—for Jason Sprinkle, 1969-2005.

A sympathetic one by Regina Hackett outlines Sprinkle's story after jail and sentencing: a mental breakdown, followed by involvement in Christian evangelism. A story ending May 2005, when Sprinkle was hit by a freight train. There were no witnesses.

Very sad, but not unusual. A working class youth makes a misjudgment: one strike and you're out. Sprinkle had the misfortune to make his mistake in a public context ripe for exploitation by local political players.

An old story, but also one that could only become entangled with how well modern media exploit fear. And how the powerful rush in front of the cameras, inflaming fear to enhance their power.

Ten years after Jason Sprinkle's misjudgment about being free to make his statement, we live in a Homeland. And its Security is a hugely powerful profit machine.

Eric Scigliano's latter piece, written in 2005, is an obituary for Sprinkle, and a further reflection—
It's a sad irony, but also sadly appropriate, that the obituary lede, what Jason is most remembered for, is not his triumphs and contributions but "the bomb." That fiasco seems in retrospect a turning point, and not just for Jason Sprinkle.

It was the moment the war on terror came to Seattle. That catchall crusade, with all its jingoist hysteria, political exploitation and displaced official aggression, did not begin with 9/11, any more than al-Qaida's war on the United States did. Politicians and law enforcement agencies began ginning up the rhetoric and angling for more funds and powers years before. Fear works; after Westlake, the City Council reversed an earlier decision and bought police the $100,000 bomb-sniffing robot they craved.

Usually, when Islamists fade from the screen, "ecoterrorists" take their place as bogeys. This time an unlucky guerrilla artist did. In a way, the cops and politicos completed Jason Sprinkle's half-baked final art event, but at a terrible cost to him.


July 2006 (I): Invitation

Photo: etsyapril

An envelope appears on my desk. In the handwriting of Jesus' Best Administrative Assistant, addressed to "[My Name] and Guest."

Enclosure #1 is a printed card:
Two lives, two hearts
Joined together in friendship
United forever in love.
It is with joy that we,
Elly May Xxxxx
Sonny Xxxxx
Invite you to share in a celebration of love
As we exchange our marriage vows
[date/time/church location]
Cake Reception to follow in the Fellowship Hall
"Cake Reception"...? Clever Sister informs me this is a Southern Baptist rite: cheap sheet cake and fruit punch, which eliminates booze and the expense of a meal, while allowing the family to demand gifts.

Jesus' BAA seems to be in some sect that perhaps stops short of snake-handling, but includes glossolalia. [Although wouldn't the deaf parishioners have to sign in tongues?] But the cheapness and alcohol phobia definitely fit.

Enclosure #2 is an 8 1/2 by 11 sheet [done on the office printer?]: the couple's photo, with groom's smiling display of his bad teeth. Below the photo—
Sonny is the son of Sonny Xxxxx and Jesus' Best Administrative Assistant.
Sonny is pursing a career in network administration.
[Translation: he's struggling to not flunk out of community college.]
Elly May is the daughter of ...
Elly May is pursing a career in sales with Lia Sophia jewelry.
A "career" in home sales parties! And she's being "mentored" in this by Jesus' BAA, who's been doing these parties.

Though Clever Sister suspects this is what she's really selling.

A NYT "Weddings" page power couple, this ain't. Though since the bridal shower, the gift begging has become slightly more ambitious:
Sonny and Elly May are registered at Sears (Sears.com)...[local chain]...Target (Target.com) and Mikasa (Mikasa.com).
The wedding is at the end of the month. Typically, Jesus' BAA is only taking a couple of days off, so is available to be annoying throughout most of July.

Which is when there's a huge local story—Google has announced plans to open a facility in town...and the residents are bewitched by visions of dollar signs dancing before their eyes. It sounds like there will be only a handful of jobs, but a large segment of town seems to believe they personally are about to be hired. And the real estate owning types expect Google will buy their particular piece of property.

I know about this because people are blogging furiously, and Clever Sister has been sending me links. Then, this arrives from CS:
Does anyone have information on where Google is interviewing or on how to apply? There is nothing on the Google website indicating they have openings.
—[signed with first name identical to that of Jesus' BAA]
CS' reaction—
Is it her? If u are too stooped to figgur how to apply don't...
Jesus' BAA most certainly would believe she can get Sonny a job—she sees herself as a first-rate expert who knows exactly how things are done in the professional world.

But I think it's too unlikely the post would be hers. Her name isn't all that uncommon, for one thing. But mainly, I don't see her finding her way to an "urban" blog—who knows what kind of heathens might be hanging around there, after all.

But Clever Sister is convinced that the post is really from Jesus' BAA. CS goes into action, replying to the poster of the question about interviews—
If you can't figure out to apply maybe you or your family should not bother?
—Larry & Sergey
That post is followed by a helpful person, John Q, who offers a link to the job postings.

Followed by a reply—
John Q,
Are you forgetting your Darwin?
—Larry & Sergey
24 hours later, CS says about the thread:
So far, since yesterday, L&S have the last word!
They must think that was really from L&S and Google won't build here if they reply!

In other news this month, C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden . Mission Accomplished, no doubt. And bin Laden certainly has served his purpose when there's been the need to fill the media with a boogeyman.

And as Jonathan Schwartz observes, We're Making Real Progress! Comparing remarks by Bush slightly before the Iraq invasion with some after the mid-month G-8 meeting—
You see, he's learning! ...Bush doesn't know who or where different kinds of Muslims are. But still, after a brief 5 years of our "war on terror," he has learned they exist!
And Bush vetoes stem cell legislation—to date, his only outright veto.

Because, the transcript says, science "offers temptations to manipulate human life and violate human dignity"...

Something Bush and crew are already doing only too well on their own.


July 2005: VIP Service

This month brings the changing of the guard—longtime department chair Dr. Gott retires to his research, and his replacement, Dr. G. Zuss, arrives.

Although Dr. G. Zuss doesn't bring along his own person, he could replace Jesus' Best Administrative Assistant, should he get the urge. So, Jesus' BAA is frantic to prove herself indispensable.

She comes in early, leaves late, takes 10-minute lunches...

Fresh from an institution elsewhere in the country and not knowing the landscape (and landmines) here, Dr. G. Zuss is content to have a dogged gatekeeper, who is always to be seen at her desk. From there she controls access to him, orders his lunches, and does whatever she can think of to dazzle him.

But give Jesus' BAA an inch and she will overstep miles...

As the family gets settled in their locale, Dr. G. Zuss talks of planning summer outings with Mrs. Dr. G. Zuss and the kids.

Jesus' BAA bursts out with an offer: she can babysit the kids and take them to a Friday event in her town, so the Dr. and Mrs. will have a night to themselves.

I clamp my mouth tight, to keep from screaming, "Don't let those kids anywhere near her!"

But there's no need to intercede. Dr. G. Zuss face changes to an apparent mild exasperation, but he says nothing.

In the future, this is something I will see often, and not only in response to weirdness from Jesus' BAA. Dr. G. Zuss often suppresses a reaction when underlings (including me) speak; it seems he is simply startled at being spoken to by an inferior, and does not deign to respond.

The non-response to her offer of an evening's indoctrination of his children is only a momentary setback for Jesus' BAA, who redoubles her efforts to please.

After noting what's a hit at her first executive lunch order, she phones catering—"What's the name of those bars with the coconut-chocolate-nut filling?" She records the answer for her rolodex. Then, ordering two trays full of sugary overkill, she sounds about to swoon—gasping out, "they're my boss' favorite!"

By the end of the month, she's glowing with martyrdom to the point of wandering into my space and picking up work of mine to do! She can have it (all of it!), as much as I care... But she sure looks ready to be Raptured™ away at any moment!

If only... And if so, it can't be too soon for me.

It's just a good thing that Jesus' BAA is safely married, or she would begin making slips à là Condi Rice: "My husb - I mean, Dr. Zuss..."

It has been ordained by the upper reaches of the University: major job reclassification began on July 1. All persons in secretarial jobs now have a title other than "secretary." This because there had been murmurs of a union organizing drive—hey, presto!—if there are no "secretaries," they can't be organized by the union that would have represented them. Of course, this takes care of the vast majority of women working for the University.

Not that the danger of secretaries here joining a union was ever high: even if most are less insane than Jesus' BAA, they usually are like her in being very self-identified with their masters.

But management is taking no chances, so "secretaries" are no longer seen on campus. Except for pretty much every day; when I look at job announcements, the listings cleared by HR include this supposedly non-existent job. It's OK for the disappeared title to stick around—just as long as no one can claim it as a reason to join a union.

Later in July, John Aravosis writes about executive decisions of the kind with deadly consequences—Bush admin may be responsible for botching effort to thwart London bombing.

According to British officials, the London transport bombings had been planned for the last two years, and a year ago, they were forced to hastily arrest a dozen of the plotters. But others got away, having been tipped off by a Bush Terra Alert— timed to follow the 2004 Democratic convention.

Juan Cole's August 2004 piece, The Outing of Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan: State of Play, outlines how the cover of an al-Qaeda double-agent reporting to the British was destroyed. Tom Ridge's August 1, 2004 announcement of "an unusually specific" threat against named buildings in the NY financial district, Newark, and DC clued the press to discover and report the agent's name. Which then led the British to make the premature arrests.

Since the London bombings, Cole's update: The Ghost of Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan.

Upon catching side-by-side international cable news shows a couple of days after July 7, Bob Harris reports on Media after the London bombings: compare and contrast
One of these things is not like the other. One [CNN International] is constant, constant fear-pandering. The other [BBC World Service] -- from the country that actually suffered the bombings, no less -- is still reporting something resembling actual news, with something resembling a dose of actual perspective.

And so far, nobody on the CNN show seems to have realized that a London crammed with security cameras seemingly every few feet... didn't keep the bombing victims safe at all...
Harris points to the deceptiveness of CNN's message, in "advocating measures which attack our freedom much more directly than anything a terrorist can do."

And in a statement sadly unthinkable for our own political class, London mayor Ken Livingstone says of the attack—
It was aimed at ordinary, working-class Londoners, black and white, Muslim and Christian, Hindu and Jew, young and old. It was an indiscriminate attempt to slaughter, irrespective of any considerations for age, for class, for religion, or whatever.

...Londoners will not be divided by this cowardly attack. They will stand together in solidarity alongside those who have been injured and those who have been bereaved and that is why I'm proud to be the mayor of that city.
And ending with words directed to the terrorists—
In the days that follow look at our airports, look at our sea ports and look at our railway stations and, even after your cowardly attack, you will see that people from the rest of Britain, people from around the world will arrive in London to become Londoners and to fulfil their dreams and achieve their potential.

...They flee you because you tell them how they should live. They don't want that and nothing you do, however many of us you kill, will stop that flight to our city where freedom is strong and where people can live in harmony with one another. Whatever you do, however many you kill, you will fail.