
December 2006: Hillbillies And Other People Of The Year

Given responsibility to arrange catering for the year-end faculty bash, Jesus' Best Administrative Assistant chose someone from her neck of the boondocks.

Party time approaches, with no sign of food delivery.

Jesus' BAA makes a frantic call to the caterer...

Who done wrote the wrong day on his calendar.

Clever Sister, who long worked in the food biz, raises virtual eyebrows—
OMG!!!!! That's something!
Did they run out to the 7-11 to get some vittles?
The lunch is moved to the next day, when the guy promises there will be much wonderous comping.

"Bologna & velveeta? Stuck on frilly toothpicks?" asks CS.

Time has met the Person of The Year, and it is Us.

watertiger agrees that she is the Average American—
1. I'm adamantly against the war.
2. I think George Bush is a criminal failure who should be impeached.
3. I hold down at least 2 (well, 3, if you count the blogging) jobs to keep ahead of the cost of living.
And so on.

whitehouse.org captures the quality of year-end reporting. The bloodthirstiness and triumphalism around Saddam Hussein's execution, here and here.

And of the tears shed over another death—Remembering Gerry Ford: President Bush Mourns Loss of Innovative Bestower of Felony-Erasing Pardons.

In other predictable events, the Frat Boy-In-Chief sneers at a persistent reporter: "It's bad in Iraq. That help?"

And baits Senator-elect Jim Webb about his son serving in Iraq. This, after being asked to be especially sensitive, because of the son's recent, narrow escape from death.

Not a circumstance Bush could conceivably have had anything to do with.

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