
December 2008: Exits

Exit, shredding.
Cheney snowglobe; from Philip Toledano's America, The Giftshop
Well, it is something that distinguishes our guys from the Nazis—who were so proud of their recordkeeping.

Exit, admitting on teevee to authorizing torture.

Exit, ducking. As an Iraqi journalist speaks for millions. An event later commemorated (if not for long).

The shoes being the first honest statement made in Bush's presence since this.

A Sadly, No reader posts the news of Bush's Baghdad presser in this thread. Commenter Smut Clyde will respond, "The insurgency is in its last throws."

Though the shoes might have been served as a contribution to the wardrobe—after all, it takes great effort to clothe a naked emperor.

And our free press does go all out to join in the effort.
By next month, there will be the bizarre performance at his last press conference
I've thought long and hard about Katrina -- you know, could I have done something differently, like land Air Force One either in New Orleans or Baton Rouge. The problem with that and -- is that law enforcement would have been pulled away from the mission. And then your questions, I suspect, would have been, how could you possibly have flown Air Force One into Baton Rouge, and police officers that were needed to expedite traffic out of New Orleans were taken off the task to look after you?
He really believes a photo op would have made everything right.
Of all that was unleased in NOLA, there are still horror stories coming to light only now.

Just this month, Nation writer A.C. Thompson's Katrina's Hidden Race War tells of white vigilantee terror. Including murders, committed with impunity, and with apparent police involvement.
More exits, more players...

Exit, removing inconveniences. "Rove's IT Guru" is killed in the crash of the small plane he had flown for years.

Connell had been warned of possible plane sabotage. And he had been been ordered to testify in Ohio lawyer Cliff Arnebeck's suit alleging Connell's 2004 role in flipping votes from Kerry to Bush.

Exit, stealing. The well-connected are kept busy with the final looting of treasury.

Exit, avoiding prosecution. The lot of them.

It's over a year old, but this from driftglass may be the ultimate punchline of the joke that's been played on the country all these years.

Along with driftglass' corollary punchline:
100 years from now, historians will say that, after eight years of lavishing attention on every ginned-up, half-baked, crackpot, wingnut-financed Clinton rumor, the media felt real, real bad about how awfully they'd behaved and decided to make it up...

...to George W. Bush.

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