
Free Government Service

Department of the Interior, National Park Service, c. 1938
Library of Congress
While Greeks demonstrate against shock therapy, here's a surprise: May 1 in LA. Crowd estimates are enormous, especially when compared to your average teabagger hatefest... Which one is it that rates greater media coverage, again?

Of course immigrants have to be demonized, as they are likely to understand the importance of organizing. Follow their lead, and the native-born might have more rights—say, in the workplace.

But Arizona is just aiming for the usual GOP trifecta: appeal to racists, distract from real issues, and steal elections—in this case, by disenfranchising Latinos.

First there are worker deaths, with the bodies unrecovered. Now, unprecedented environmental disaster is in the making, because Big Oil Fought Off New Safety Rules Before Rig Explosion.

Last September, in opposition to regulation efforts by the Minerals and Management Service of the Interior Department—
...the American Petroleum Institute and the Offshore Operators Committee, in a joint letter to MMS, emphasized their preference for voluntary programs with "enough flexibility to suit the corporate culture of each company."
"Corporate culture" being, "dead employees are a tiny, tiny cost of doing business."

As in in the payout offer since last month's union-free workplace/unsafe conditions-leading-to-deaths national news event.

And the environment has no relatives to be bought off, after its murder.

Besides BP's role in this nightmare, the name "Halliburton" seems to crop up.

We also have to go back a few years, to this
Papantonio laid the blame squarely in Dick Cheney's lap and said this was one of the deregulations of the energy industry that was negotiated during his secret meetings with oil industry and other energy executives during George Bush's first term in office and called this the biggest under-reported aspect of this disaster.

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