
In Memoriam

National Park Service poster, Dorothy Waugh
Montana Historical Society/Image: Posters for the People

As of May 27: an Alternet rundown on some key factors in the BP disaster.

Early in the month, there were reports that when the rig exploded, BP executives were aboard—for a party celebrating their "safety record."

Ever since, Thom Hartmann has posed the question: were workers pressured to skip installing the top cap—to get the place ready for a visit by big shots?

Whether this can be established or not: considering the ethics of Corporate Culture, what could be more predictable?

The same goes for discovery of BP's cost benefit analysis of workers' lives.

Entitled, "Cost benefit analysis of three little pigs," and concluding that the "piggies" should build their houses with the cheapest material.

Except that "the little pigs" were never offered a choice—it was a very Big Pig indeed, that decided to house expendable workers in trailers, instead of more expensive, blast-resistant structures.

The reich-wing wasted no time in pushing the "Obama's Katrina" meme into the media.

Absurd as it is, there are parallels—as in any big event—in how many threads there are to unravel, and in how little truth gets to the general public. And there's all that BP history, and the tactic of subcontracting to diffuse responsibility.

And it's impossible to know what motivates this administration's response.

Are they technocrats who believe, despite all history, that corporations know best and will act responsibly?

Is it part of the ongoing need to cover up the behavior of the Republican predecessor? CBS News—putting it mildly and in quotes—on Big Oil's "Cozy Relationship" with Inspectors under Bush.

Obama gets the thanks he will alway get—he's accused of unAmericanly putting his boot BP's throat.

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