
Hoover Defeats Roosevelt

Unemployed youth. Washington, D.C., 1938.
Photographer: John Vachon
Library of Congress FSA/OWI Archive

This "deal"
—made when the Dems still have Congress.

... Even before the mad tea party commences in January.

One good thing about their presumed presidential win of 2012: after that, we won't have to listen to Republicans pretending they care about any such thing as a "deficit."

Like all good suggestions, Blue Gal's won't be adopted by this administration.

And a hint of the final nail in the coffin, from Digby's post, above—
... Peter Orszag, recently departed from the administration (and reportedly headed to Citi), Dick Durbin, the president's proxy in the Senate, ex-labor leader Andy Stern along with numbers of Democratic Senators, [are] signaling that Social Security really is on the menu.
All lending support to Chris Hedges' thesis: that the establishment liberal class no longer has an institutional interest in or capacity for reform.

Next up: controlling access of the great unwashed?
... as I contemplate Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski's fake net neutrality proposal, and as I read news of MasterCard and Visa both freezing Julian Assange’s funds, I can't help but think this is the Titanic moment I've been expecting for years.

Sure, the crackdown–which puts our counterterrorism efforts to shame–is a response to the scope of this latest leak. Sure, it's an attempt to prevent the next leak, on Bank of America.

But just as much, it's about creating the excuse they need–the government and the legacy media protecting their turf–to undercut the power of the Internet.

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