
If A Tree Falls In The Forest

... Or the update might be:
did a Senate fillibuster happen, if it's only on C-span, and covered in a few liberalish places online?

The four freedoms. The news every hour on the hour. Americans live in one of the few nations in the world where their news is not censored. It is vitally important that all the news reaches the citizens of a democracy for they need this knowledge in order to govern themselves intelligently.
Photographer: Alfred T. Palmer, 1941 or 1942
Library of Congress, FSA/OWI Archive

Digby here: on the need for a Wikileaks, in the face of the corporate manipulation allowed to present itself as a "news source."

Sanders began speaking at 10 this morning, and I listened to as much as possible, from noon to 4:00.

Besides confronting the problem of this current deal, and all the poison pills therein, it was a recitation of how the middle-class has been destroyed by decades of "free trade" and subsidies to the rich. And how the plan now is to kill off Social Security.

There's plenty of blame to go around: to Clinton, the DLC, et. al.

But whether Sanders mentioned the name or not: it was an indictment of three decades of Reaganism.

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