

London collection box photo: Philip Watson
Why would Republicans be expected to show it?

Not when they can rev up The Base: by foiling the heinous UN plot for global wheelchair access—modeled on the Americans with Disabilities Act. And if rejection of the UN Convention on Persons with Disabilities was a slap in the face to one-time party powers like Bob Dole—and to treaty supporters like veterans' groups—so much the better.

It's all fodder for Rick Santorum's next presidential bid.

Digby's been coveried here digbysblog.blogspot.com/2012/12/black-helicopter-child-killers.html and here digbysblog.blogspot.com/.../these-zealots-can-find-controversy.html

Even if the UN Treaty was patterned after American law, the sitting, lame duck, and perennial candidate Republicans can take great pride that, in this country a state can keep an intellectually disabled man on death row over 30 years, without a valid conviction.

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