
Next Order of Business

December 12, 2012: Workers' "rights" newly bestowed, the Michigan legislature turns to women's "health"—with "One Of The Nation's Most Extreme Abortion Bans."

This is the same group of medical experts who six months earlier had punished a legislator for saying "vagina.".

The Michigan of 1954 appears to have valued this sort of thing:
A good thing we're all getting over it; an educated public might be on to the meaning of "rights," "health," and other words.

Instead, it's time to do what Tengrain suggests, and heed the wisdom of Bobby Jindal—
"As a conservative Republican, I believe that we have been stupid to let the Democrats demagogue the contraceptives issue and pretend, during debates about health-care insurance, that Republicans are somehow against birth control. It's a disingenuous political argument they make."
After all, says Tengrain,
Yes, ladies, welcome the warm embrace of the party who brought you Tod Akin and Cardinal Frothy Santorum; they are at your cervix.

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