
Couldn't Happen To A More Deserving Guy


Best taken with digby's reminder of how nominal Democrats joined in to swoon along with the Establishment crush on the guy. Digby quotes this, from just a few months ago—
The checks are flying into the Republican governor's war chest from all sorts of unlikely places — the hedge fund run by liberal billionaire George Soros, for example, and the politically progressive halls of the University of California, Berkeley.

The nascent support from Democratic donors is an early sign of Christie’s fundraising prowess in a potential run for the White House in 2016, experts and Democratic donors said, and dovetails with recent polls showing him gaining popularity nationally among Democrats and independents.


"While I do not agree with his stance on every issue, he is one of the best political leaders I have talked to in a long time," said Ken Rosen, a UC-Berkeley professor who cut a $3,800 check to Christie after chatting with him at two events. "He is willing to take on tough issues such as pension reform, education reform, mental-health issues, even if his views are not politically correct."
Tough enough to bully and physically intimidate school teachers.

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