

Surely we can trust them.

Some aging "terrorists" recently came forward to remind us of some earlier abuses of authority.

The speech today.

Weirdly enough, the speech happened to be delivered on the anniversary of "Beware the Military Industrial Complex." So Digby observed; part of her take on today's speech
... the president and others' insistence that Snowden is a traitor while simultaneously patting themselves on the back for reforming, changing, investigating, extolling and criticizing the secret surveillance state based entirely on his revelations is now beyond fatuous. There was no mechanism in place aside from the one he chose, obviously, and it's exactly the reason we have freedom of the press in this country in the first place. It is time for these powerful government officials to grow up and recognize that the mere fact that they are making changes proves that he is a whistleblower and at least allow him to obtain long term legal asylum in a foreign country. We are strong enough to allow our faults to be exposed without persecuting those who expose them. In fact, doing that is downright unAmerican.

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