
Ex Post Facto

Facts being the usual (and Never About Race).

Some words spoken afterwards.

Because who in the Obama administration could have anticipated that people who want to destroy the institution would reject a strong appointment to head the Civil Rights Division?

And who could have predicted the GOP would cherry pick the Bill of Rights, jumping on the Sixth Amendment opportunity for a guilt by association smear?

Plenty of spinelessness to go around, with the help of the usual types of "Democrats" fleeing a "controversial" vote. In his grim wrap-up here, Adam Serwer adds—
Representing murderers hasn't proved disqualifying before – Republicans confirmed John Roberts as chief justice of the Supreme Court despite his pro-bono work on behalf of a man recently executed for mass murder. When they choose to, Republicans understand that an attorney shouldn't be identified with his client's cause. That would prevent top lawyers from defending unpopular clients, which would erode the quality of justice for those accused of terrible crimes.

None of the senators who cast votes against Adegbile, however, will ever have to worry about not being able to afford a fair shake in court.

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