
Moving Along

March 21: Robert Parry here, on the passing of Lawrence Walsh.

There was also Charles Pierce, on how
... the utter lack of accountability in the wake of the Iran-Contra revelations was the seedbed for most of what has gone wrong with the balance of powers, American foreign policy, and the courtier media ever since.


Walsh, the Iran-Contra special prosecutor, died this week at the age of 102. He did the very best he could have done, considering the bungling of the Congress, the deception practiced by his targets under the color of the offices of the public trust that they did so much to dishonor, and the fact that the elite press showed the white feather every time the investigation got close to the Oval Office.
Comments included some interesting discussion about the unconstitutionality of Iran Contra vs. that of Watergate.

As it happens, the previous day Parry noted another significant passing, while reiterating the question he has asked for years—
Longtime Washington powerbroker Robert Strauss, who died Wednesday at the age of 95, took to the grave the answer to one of the most provocative Watergate mysteries, whether he was, in effect, a Republican mole serving in the highest ranks of the Democratic Party.

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