
Confucius Say

Recycled script this morning: "Storytelling: workplaces have heroes and legends… What are yours?..."

Followed by precisely the same examples as last time: "Maybe it was the time we processed a record number of patients in one night"; [something about starting recalcitrant machinery]; "The co-worker who wore that Halloween costume..."

Here's an outfit selling a version of this.
Your employees will love their job and their workplace.

Every great organization has its own heroes. These heroes become company legends. These heroes build great cultures.

Your organization's legend may be a support associate who set her alarm for 2 a.m. so she could respond to a client only available in the wee hours of the morning, or it may be the cutomer service agent who drove accross town to deliver a replacement part after 9 p.m. on a Thursday night.
What photo pick could better represent corporate greatness?
At least it's not this one.
This company claims some big corporate players as clients. Perhaps low-budget cheesy sites filled with misspellings are a sign of outsourcing Mission Accomplished.

It certainly suits the quality of the ideas, that they are represented by fine clip art like this.
Translated from a Chinese manuscript of the 6th or 5th century B.C., no less.... Those ancient sages sure had their greeting card sentiments down pat.

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