
Cutting Off Oxygen

The death of Eric Garner was caught on video, for anyone to see; the coroner's finding was homicide, yet the prosecutor wouldn't lead a grand jury to indict the cop responsible.

Garner's death, writes Digby, "wasn't the first time we've been able to hear someone begging for his life, unable to breathe, as police killed them on camera." It happened to a white homeless man, whose vicious beating by Fullerton, CA police was recorded on surveillance film. The police responsible were later indicted, but not convicted.

Charles Pierce on legal "justification" for chokeholds. Also on an old quote—
When police Chief Daryl Gates was asked why almost all of these fatal chokeholds involved African Americans, Gates replied that the "veins or arteries of blacks do not open up as fast as they do in normal people."
Pierce adds, "And they look like demons, too."

Response to public notice of police lawlessness: "Shut up." Victimization plays so well when it comes from the same right-wingers who are forever shrieking about "political correctness," so police have plenty of precedent to follow. Among the results, such fine displays as this and this.

And the team's pundits are always available for turning up the volume.

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